Prašuma Perućica / Rainforest Perućica

Departure Date



As much as you want



Maximum Seats


Epsko putovanje

All drink included
Lunch in restaurant
All tickeds museum
Tour guide
Travel Insurance

Prašuma Perućica

O Prašumi Perućici

Prašuma Perućica

Najvrijednije biser u nizu prirodnog blaga je Perućica, zaštićeni prirodni rezervat i jedna od najočuvanijih evropskih prašuma. U okviru ovog prirodnog rezervata kao i u drugim dijelovima parka nalazi se veoma bogat i raznovrstan biljni svijet, niz enedemskih i rijetkih vrsta. U samoj Perućici je registrovano više od 170 vrsta drveća i grmlja i više od 1000 vrsta zeljastog bilja. U srcu Perućice nalazi se vodopad Skakavac visok 75 metara sa protokom vode od 9 – 12 litara u sekundi.
O Prašumi Perućici

Prašuma Perućica

Rainforest Perućica/Prašuma Perućica

Prašuma Perućica


Book Tour

Tour Name Price Per Adult Price Per Child Available Seats Departure Date Duration
Prašuma Perućica / Rainforest Perućica ‎€ 0 ‎€ 0 1 Anytime As much as you want

Booking Information

Name Price ( Adults/Children ) Persons ( Adults/Children ) Quantity Total


Subtotal ‎€ 0
Total ‎€ 0

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We're here to chat about your next big idea.

  • 7 am - 4 pm Monday through Thursday.
  • 7 am to 1 pm Fridays (US central) toll free or by skype.
Otherwise, email us anytime. On average we provide quotes within 6 hours during business hours and the next day during off business hours. Privately guided trips allow you to be in control of all the details of your trip - departure times, accommodations, extra nights, extra activities, extra experiences - what you want and how you want it.

Dejan Elez


Contact Skype

+387 65/ 652-575


+387 65/ 652-575
