Rodoljub Drašković finansira obnovu Titove vile
Predsjednik Skupštine Udruženja građana i privrede Hercegovine Rodoljub Drašković ozvaničio je danas početak obnove Titove vile na Tjentištu, koja će nakon restauracije biti vraćena u turističku ponudu Nacionalnog parka “Sutjeska”.
Drašković je rekao da će donirati sredstva za obnovu vile posredstvom ovog udruženja, ističući da će vila biti nacionalno dobro.
On je naglasio da je nacionalni park decenijama bio turistička atrakcija sa poznatom istoriografijom koja ne smije otići u zaborav.
– Zahvaljujući entuzijazmu, energiji i domaćinskom odnosu /direktora Nacionalnog parka/ Dejana Pavlovića odlučio sam da investiram u Nacionalni park “Sutjeska” jer sam svjestan da to neće biti propala investicija – rekao je Drašković novinarima.
On je izrazio namjeru da uloži sredstva i u obnovu hotela “Sutjeska”, čime bi se ostvarila sinergija između turističkog kompleksa “Grad sunca” u Trebinju i Nacionalnog parka “Sutjeska”, te na taj način povezao mediteranski i kontinentalni turizam.
– Izgradnjom novog hotela “Sutjeska” ćemo Hercegovinu povezati kao turističku atrakciju jedinstvenu u Evropi. Obnova ovog hotela zavisi od Vlade Republike Srpske. Pisao sam pismo namjere da želim da obnovim hotel i da ga stavimo u funkciju turizma, lovnog turizma, istorijskog kulturnog bogatstva – rekao je Drašković.
Direktor Nacionalnog parka “Sutjeska” Dejan Pavlović rekao je da će vila, veća od 300 metara kvadratnih, nakon obnove ostati u vlasništvu Republike Srpske.
On je naveo da još nije poznato koliko će novca biti potrebno za obnovu.
Titova vila na Tjentištu izgrađena je 1979. godine.
Religious Objects
Saint Nicholas Church

The Saint Sava Temple

Saint Basil of Ostrog and Saint Peter of Dabar and Bosnia Temple in Velečevo

Saint Nicholas Church in Rijeka Čelebićka

The Assumption of the Holy Virgin Temple in Čelebići

The Assumption of the Holy Mother Temple in Luće

Saint Constantine and Empress Jelena Church in Okolišta
The Transfiguration of God Church in Jabuka, Modro Polje
The Holy Prophet Ilija temple in Milevina
The Holy Trinity Church in Ustikolina
The Saint Panteleimon Church in Vrbnica
The Saint George Church in Vranovina
Memorial Church of Saint Cyril and Methodius in Jošanica

Aladža Mosque

Musluk Mosque

Careva Mosque

The Pocket Guide brings world travelers to the RS
The world-famous tourist pocket guide for young tourists from 16 to 35 years old “In your pocket” should be made for Banja Luka, Trebinje and Višegrad and Foča by mid-2019, confirmed Nada Jovanović, director of the Tourist Organization of the Republic of Slovenia.
The world-famous tourist pocket guide for young tourists from 16 to 35 years old “In your pocket” should be made for Banja Luka, Trebinje and Višegrad and Foča by mid-2019, confirmed Nada Jovanović, director of the Tourist Organization of the Republic of Slovenia.
“The team of this project came to us because Banja Luka was recognized as a City Break destination, while Trebinje, Foča and Visegrad as an outdoor destination for more active tourism,” Jovanović pointed out.
She added that the guides for these three destinations are at the stage of preparation, and that certain financial construction and logistical support of the tourist organizations have been agreed upon.
“Ljubljana got this guide a year ago and thanks to it, it increased the number of tourist arrivals by 200,000. Our goal is to bring at least 50,000 young tourists from 16 to 35 years annually in each of these destinations, “said Jovanovic.
She pointed out that the In Your Pocket Guide is so well positioned on Google that it will receive feedback for the first time.
“We will receive information on the structure of guests, the places visited by young guests, their impressions, where we are good and where we can work better,” said Jovanovic.
According to her, compared to five years ago, the RS has 140 percent more events and events, and pointed out that this is what attracts tourists.
“The most important thing is that the local tourist organizations together with TORS will give all logistical support to the” In your pocket “team when they reach us and that we will show them the most interesting places in Banja Luka, Trebinje, Višegrad, Foča, as well as other places in their surroundings, which are interesting to young tourists, “said Jovanovic.
She expressed hope that it would attract a lot of young tourists from all over the world to the RS.
“If there is no interest, ‘In your pocket’ they would not even apply for this project with us. If it turns out to be good, in the coming period we plan to implement it for some other destinations, such as Jahorina and Kozara, “said Jovanovic.
Youth hosts who come to the RS through this project will be able to take over these guides in the info-tourist centers of Banja Luka, Trebinje, Foča and Visegrad. In addition to the print edition guide, they will also be able to download mobile phone applications that will showcase the most beautiful attractions of the places they can visit.
The World Tourism Day, which is celebrated every year on September 27, this year is dedicated to the topic “Tourism and Digital Transformation”, which aims to raise awareness of the importance of digital technologies in the development of tourism.
The World Tourism Day, which is celebrated every year on September 27, this year is dedicated to the topic “Tourism and Digital Transformation”, which aims to raise awareness of the importance of digital technologies in the development of tourism.
The Tourism Organization of Republika Srpska, today in Banja Luka, organizes a manifestation aimed at presenting the visual identity of the Republic of Srpska and presenting cultural tourism in order to protect cultural heritage, develop tourism and promote tourism values.
The event will be held at the Music Pavilion “Staklenac” in the park “Petar Kočić” in Banja Luka, and starts at 11 am.
Important phone numbers
Info centar: +387 58 233-136
Recepcija hotela „Mladost“: +387 58 233-118
+387 58 211-809
Mob: +387 65 492-052
Tel: +387 58 210-268
Mob: +387 65 210-307
Mob: +387 66 205-243
Važni brojevi telefona
Foča, Босна и Херцеговина
Phone / fax: +38758 212 - 416, Info Center: +38758 210 - 180
Tourist Organization of Foča Municipality
Overview of Tourist Organization of Foča Municipality
Tourist Organization of Foča Municipality
Tourist Organization of Foča Municipality

Tourist Organization
Foča, Босна и Херцеговина
Phone / fax: +38758 212 - 416, Info Center: +38758 210 - 180
About Foča municipality
Overview of Foča municipality

Tourist Info Centers
Overview of Tourist Info Centers
Tourist Info Center - Street "Kralja Petra"

Tourist Info Center - Street "Brod ND Foča"

Tourist Info Center - National Park Sutjeska

Banks and exchange offices
Overview of Banks and exchange offices
Nova banka

Addiko banka

NLB Razvojna banka

Unikredit banka