Izlet u Perućicu / Excursion to Perucica

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About Introduction to excursions

Introduction to excursions

The suggestion of the excursion before you is a recommendation for all those who visit the municipality of Foča and want to "actively take a rest" for one day. Regarding the excursion in the area of NP "Sutjeska" we note that you should contact the NP's administration for a visit and stay in NP "Sutjeska", especially when it comes to visiting the Perućica rainforest. In the excursion programs, the schedule is indicated, in order to facilitate your independent trips. The schedule is in line with the time it takes to get to a specific location and the minimum time it takes to stay and take photographs. Of course you decide on the dates of arrival and departure and the time of your stay on the site independently. With the desire to experience the magic of untouched nature, we send you a warm welcome to the "wild romance areas“.
About Excursion to Perucica

Excursion to Perucica

Perućica is one of the last preserved rainforests in Europe. It is located within the Sutjeska National Park. In the heart of Perućica Skakavac is located, over 70 meters high waterfall. The human hand has never had an impact on the cycle of birth-life-dying of plants and animals in this rainforest. It contains a large number of trees about 300 years old, and it is thought that the forest itself is about 20,000 years old. Here trees can be found over 50 meters high, and currently the highest measured is 57.4 meters. To date, over 170 species of trees and shrubs have been registered, as well as over 1000 species of herbaceous plants, many of which are endemic. Given that the forest is very thick, in some parts even impassable, and protected, the visit is permitted only with the announcement and accompanying guide from the Sutjeska National Park.

Excursion to Perucica

Trailhead: Skakavac waterfall (prašuma Perućica), Tjentište

+387 / 058 / 233 / 102


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Tour Name Price Per Adult Price Per Child Available Seats Departure Date Duration
Izlet u Perućicu / Excursion to Perucica ‎€ 0 ‎€ 0 0 Anytime

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Total ‎€ 0

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Otherwise, email us anytime. On average we provide quotes within 6 hours during business hours and the next day during off business hours.Privately guided trips allow you to be in control of all the details of your trip - departure times, accommodations, extra nights, extra activities, extra experiences - what you want and how you want it.

Dejan Elez


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+387 65/ 652-575


+387 65/ 652-575

