
Press conference in Pluzine

Posted By : TO Foča/ 1059

On 21 January 2020, a press conference was organized in Pluzine, as well as the presentation of the cross-border cooperation project between the municipalities of Pluzine and Foca: Tourism, Adrenaline, Rafting, Adventure (T.A.R.A.).

The project is implemented under the Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro Cross-Border Cooperation Programme. It is financed by the European Union and implemented by the municipalities of Pluzine and Foca in partnership with the Nature Park Piva and the Tourist Organisation of Foca.

The overall objective of the project is to develop and promote the cross-border area of the two municipalities as a unique tourist destination for active tourism. The project seeks to brand these two municipalities as attractive destinations for active holidays, as well as create joint tourism products to attract more tourists. The project will also work on improving tourism infrastructure and establishing mechanisms to increase security at tourist locations.

The project will bring together representatives of municipalities, local tourist organizations, sports and rescue clubs, travel agencies, journalists and bloggers, with a joint goal to develop active tourism in this area.

Speakers at the conference included the Mayor of Pluzine, Mijusko Bajagic, the Mayor of Foca, Radisav Masic, the director of the Piva Nature Park Slobodan Delic and project coordinator Marija Milenkovic.

The Mayor of Pluzine, Mijusko Bajagic, emphasized that it is very important that the two municipalities that have been cooperating for decades, through this project and the European Commission funds, renew and strengthen their existing cooperation. Considering the potentials for tourism development in both municipalities, he is convinced that different tourism projects will also be jointly implemented in the future.

Radisav Masic, the Mayor of Foca, stated that Foca is a municipality thathas so far implemented a number of projects in cooperation with international and other entities, so in this project he sees a realistic opportunity for tourism promotion, as an industry recognized by both municipalities as developmental.

The implementation of the project started on 1 December 2019 and it will last for two years, until the end of November 2021.