July 2020

A floating pontoon has been installed at Piva Lake for easier and safer access to boats

Posted By : TO Foča/ 1703

We are very pleased to inform you that the installation of a floating pontoon on the beach in Plužine has been completed. The pontoon is installed with the purpose of bathers safer entering and exiting the water and easier access to boats who want to enjoy in Piva Lake cruising during the lower water level.

The installation of a floating pontoon at Piva Lake is one of the number of activities within the project “Tourism, Adrenaline and Rafting Adventure (TARA)” implemented by the Municipalities of Plužine and Foča, in cooperation with the Nature Park “Piva” and the Tourist Organization of Foča. The project is funded by the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the Cross-border Cooperation Program BiH-Montenegro in the amount of 499,654.00 euros.

Coordination meetings of rescue services

Posted By : TO Foča/ 1146

Coordination of rescue services from municipalities of Pluzine i Foca

In order to have tourists’ destinations safe and secure and perceived as such, through the project better cooperation between rescue services from two municipalities (police departments, fire departments, health centers, civil protection units and professional rescue teams, mountain rescue service) will be established.

In that regard, the project will support organization of 8 coordination meetings (4 per year) with teams in charge of provision of safety in tourist’s destinations in the project area. During the meetings, safety measures and safety standard on tourist destinations will be discussed, yet also all other issues related to risk management. Those meetings will also have capacity building component, with public guest-lectures on contemporary issues and trends related to safety.



Municipalities of Foca and Pluzine started work on improving safety at tourist sites

With the support of the European Union the municipalities of Plužine and Foča are working together to improve the safety of tourist locations

The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction marked within the cross-border cooperation project “Tourism, Adrenaline and Rafting Adventure (T.A.R.A)”

With the support of the European Union, the municipalities of Plužine and Foča continued work on improving the safety of tourist locations

The sixth coordination meeting of the rescue services from Foča and Plužine organized

Municipalities of Foca and Pluzine started work on improving safety at tourist sites

Posted By : TO Foča/ 883

Yesterday, as a part of the “Tourism, Adrenaline and Rafting Adventure (T.A.R.A)” Project, the municipalities of Foca (BiH) and Pluzine (Montenegro) organized a coordination meeting for members of their rescue services (civil protection, police, health institutions, fire services and associations, protection and rescue services, Mountain Rescue Service), where measures, standards and modern safety trends at tourist sites, risk management and rescue on water and under water were discussed.

The project is implemented by the two municipalities in cooperation with the Nature Park Piva and the Tourist Organization of Foca, financed by the European Union in the amount of EUR 499,654.00. The project is implemented with the aim of developing and promoting the cross-border area as a unique destination for active tourism. The project implementation started on 1 December 2019 and it will last for two years, until the end of November 2021.

The meeting was opened by the Mayor of Foca, Radisav Masic, who emphasized the importance and significance of the safety aspect in tourism development in the two municipalities. In his presentation, the mayor emphasized the necessity of involving various institutions and other actors in the process of improving safety at tourist sites, especially on the fast river Tara.

A member of the Mountain Rescue Mostar and search instructor, Goran Mitric, gave a lecture on safety standards, specifics of search and rescue on calm and fast waters, as well as on trends in this area. Mitric emphasized the importance of training rescue teams in relevant institutions and equipping them with adequate rescue equipment so that the services could react efficiently in rescue operations.

The participants of the coordination meeting also stressed the need to train new rescuers and the need for cooperation of all institutions and rescue clubs, and gave recommendations on how to jointly improve safety in the border area Foca and Pluzine, where the focus is on the Tara River. A discussion was initiated on the importance of fire protection, as one of the important safety aspects at tourist sites.