
A floating pontoon has been installed at Piva Lake for easier and safer access to boats

Posted By : TO Foča/ 1706

We are very pleased to inform you that the installation of a floating pontoon on the beach in Plužine has been completed. The pontoon is installed with the purpose of bathers safer entering and exiting the water and easier access to boats who want to enjoy in Piva Lake cruising during the lower water level.

The installation of a floating pontoon at Piva Lake is one of the number of activities within the project “Tourism, Adrenaline and Rafting Adventure (TARA)” implemented by the Municipalities of Plužine and Foča, in cooperation with the Nature Park “Piva” and the Tourist Organization of Foča. The project is funded by the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the Cross-border Cooperation Program BiH-Montenegro in the amount of 499,654.00 euros.