
Kayaking adventure in Plužine and Foča

Posted By : TO Foča/ 922

We are very pleased to inform you that the Municipality of Plužine has procured ten kayaks for calm and fast waters with accompanying equipment within the project “Tourism, Adrenaline and Rafting Adventure (T.A.R.A.) funded by the European Union. Kayaking is an attractive tourist product that promotes the tourist potential of the Municipality of Plužine and the Municipality of Foča. Kayaking on Piva Lake will be a great experience for tourists who like easy kayaking, while lovers of adrenaline have the opportunity to experience a kayaking adventure on the fast waters of Piva and Tara rivers.

Kayaking is an unusual and original way to discover the hidden shores of Piva Lake, the Piva and Tara rivers, to explore river beaches, backwaters, caves and the surrounding wildlife. You will enjoy every stroke – the resistance of water, the effort of the body and the smell of freshness. It’s a great way to get closer to nature and see the world around you, quietly moving through tucked-in landscapes and watching scenes that many people will never see in person.

The project “Tourism, Adrenaline and Rafting Adventure (T.A.R.A.)” is implemented by the Municipality of Plužine and the Municipality of Foča, in cooperation with the Nature Park “Piva” and the Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Foča, and funded by the European Union within the Program for cross-border cooperation BiH-MNE.

Foto Škiljević Željko

Foto Predrag Vuckovic