July 2021

“Piva story” with notes by Rudolf, Galija and Miroslav Ilić raised the Plužine audience

Posted By : TARA/ 745

With the financial support of the European Union, the “Piva Story” manifestation was organized in Plužine on July 24, 2021 in the city amphitheater, which attracted great interest from audiences from Montenegro, BiH and beyond. As part of the manifestation, a promo concert was also held the day before in Foča, announcing the event in Plužine.

The opening of the concert belonged to the Montenegrin band Rudolf, where they presented their songs to a large audience. Then, the rock band from Niš, Galija, came on stage, which caused a great reaction among the audience with their famous hits. After Galija, the stage was taken over by Miroslav Ilić, one of the best vocalists of folk music, who closed this musical event with a great atmosphere.

The concert attracted a large number of visitors, who used the weekend to enjoy the natural and tourist attractions provided by the municipality of Plužine and Nature Park “Piva” and thus enjoyed rafting adventures, cruises, zip lines, hiking trails, as well as swimming in turquoise. -blue Beer Lake.

“Piva Story” is one activity of the project “Tourism, Adrenaline and Rafting Adventure (T.A.R.A.)” implemented by the Municipalities of Plužine and Foča, in cooperation with the Nature Park Piva and the Tourist Organization of Foča, and funded by the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina. within the CBC BiH-MNE Cross-Border Cooperation Program.

The aim of the project is to develop and promote the cross-border area as a unique destination for active tourism. Realization began on December 1, 2019 and will last for two years, until the end of November 2021.

Joint manifestations/festivals

Posted By : TARA/ 744

Within this activity, two joint international tourist manifestations / festivals will be organized, one in each municipality. Festivals will be organized during the summer months. The organization of events will be the subject of discussions with CBC forum participants and other relevant actors. Also, these events will be an opportunity to involve young people and other local actors from both municipalities.


“Piva story” with notes by Rudolf, Galija and Miroslav Ilić raised the Plužine audience

ANNOUNCEMENT: “Piva story” in Plužine

“Drinska priča” in Foča attracted a large number of visitors from the region

ANNOUNCEMENT: “Piva story” in Plužine

Posted By : TARA/ 597

As part of the project “Tourism, Adrenaline and Rafting Adventure (T.A.R.A.) on July 24, 2021, a concert will be organized in Plužine with the participation of the group Galija, Miroslav Ilić and the band Rudolf. The concert will be held in the summer amphitheater in the center of Plužine starting at 8 p.m. Entrance is free.


In the municipality of Foča, a concert will also be organized on August 23 at the Cinema Club with music of Veljko Vučurović.