Category: Joint branding and marketing

FAM Trip

Posted By : TARA/ 791

In order to promote cross-border area Foča-Plužine as an attractive destination for active tourism internationally, the project will organize familiarization trip (FAM TRIP) with tour operators from the region, prominent influencers and travel bloggers. The aim of FAM TRIP is to introduce this area as a single tourism destination to the tour operators that are active in the region, as well as to journalists and travel bloggers who can contribute to the better promotion of the cross-border area. In total, this trip will gather at least 20 participants that will have the opportunity to visit main tourist’s attractions and tourist’s products in this cross-border area during the 6-day programme.


Bloggers and influencers from the region enjoyed the natural beauties of Foča and Plužine as part of FAM Trip

Publishing articles and blogs

Posted By : TO Foča/ 1141

Writing of articles on the cross-border area and publication in international tourist magazines and blogs


In order to promote the project area as an attractive tourist destination to the international market, the project will contract an international correspondent (one or more) that will write affirmative articles and blogs to the prominent international travel magazines (such as the Lonely Planet, the National Geographic Traveler or the Outdoor Magazine, etc.). In total, it is expected to support publishing of at least 4 articles and at least 6 blogs.


  1. Future Travel: Drawn to the Edge in the Western Balkans, Paste Magazine, author Alex Crevar
  2. Od jezera u obliku srca do prasume i raftinga: kako su Foca i Pluzine postali prestonice avanturistickog turizma, Priče sa dušom, author Nenad Blagojević
  3. Sta jos treba videti i probati u Foci i Pluzinama posle raftinga i netaknute prirode, Priče sa dušom, author Nenad Blagojević
  4. Un lac en forme de coeur et une foret vierge bienvenue a foca et pluzine capitales du tourisme d aventure des balkans, Mes voyages franco-serbes, author Nenad Blagojević


  1. Turizam i adrenalin u Pluzinama i Foci, autor Kristijan Iličić
  2. 10 Adventure Things To Do in Montenegro & Bosnia and Herzegovina In One Trip, Travelling Buzz, autor Maria Stoyanova

42. International Belgrade Tourism Fair 2020

Posted By : TARA/ 941

The International Belgrade Tourism Fair, held in February each year, is the most visited tourism fair in the region and one of the most significant events for representatives of the tourism industry. The project envisages a joint presentation of the tourism potentials and attractions of the municipalities of Pluzine and Foča in 2020 and 2021.

At the 42nd International Tourism Fair in Belgrade, held on 20-23 February 2020 under the slogan “The road at your feet”, the joint booth of the municipalities of Pluzine and Foca attracted significant attention of high officials, representatives of the tourism industry, the media, as well as many interested adventure and active tourism lovers. All visitors of the stand had the opportunity to get acquainted in detail with the entire tourist offer of the municipalities of Pluzine and Foča, as well as with the activities and expected results of the project “Tourism, Adrenaline and Rafting Adventure (T.A.R.A)” implemented by these two municipalities with the aim of developing and promoting the cross-border areas as unique destinations for active tourism.


Municipalities of Pluzine and Foca presented the joint project “Tourism, Adrenaline and Rafting Adventure (T.A.R.A)” at the Belgrade Tourism Fair

