Category: New tourist products

Linking local tour operators with rural households

Posted By : TO Foča/ 736

In order to empower rural households from cross-border area Foča-Plužine, the connection with active tourism sector will be established. At first, the project will identify rural households interested in provision of tourism services and later, tour packages will be developed and promotional material designed for rural households. Additionally, project will support households through small-scale infrastructure interventions (renovation, construction, purchase, etc.) on facilities that will be offered to the tourists visiting the area. This activity will also include a raising awareness campaign among rural households and tour operators for their cooperation for better tourism offer in the project area.



Linking local tour operators with rural households


Posted By : TO Foča/ 971

The project area Plužine – Foča has the potential for the development of speleology as a new tourist product. There are several caves in these municipalities, some of which are unique in this area, both in terms of drawings that most likely date back to the Bronze Age, in terms of cave jewelry and other significant features.

This activity includes the identification of caves in Plužine and Foča, the preparation of a study on speleological research in both municipalities, the arrangement of caves for tourist valorization and the preparation of promotional material.


A study of research on speleological objects in the municipalities of Plužine and Foča has been prepared


Study of research of speleological objects in the municipality of Plužine and Foča


Posted By : TARA/ 954

In order to develop and brand the project area as a unique destination for active tourism and to integrate the tourist offer of the two municipalities, joint one-day and multi-day tours will be developed through the project. The tours will include both existing attractions in the cross-border area and new tourism products that will be developed through the project.

Jednodnevna tura – Dva parka Piva i Sutjeska

Jednodnevna tura – Kulturno istorijsko nasledje

Jednodnevna tura – Od Stabana do Pješčanih piramida

Jednodnevna tura – Panoramski putevi Sutjeske i Pive

Jednodnevna tura – Tri rijeke

Visednevna tura – Pluzine Sutjeska tura

Visednevna tura – TARA

Visednevna tura – Upoznajte tri Parka Durmitor, Pivu i Sutjesku


Posted By : TO Foča/ 936

The cross-border area of the Municipality of Plužine and the Municipality of Foča have enormous potentials for developing kayaking as a joint attractive tourism product. Kayaking on Piva Lake will be great experience for tourists who prefer easy ride, yet for lovers of adventures kayaking on Tara River will be also available. Development of kayaking as a product includes purchase of the equipment (kayaks, paddles and life vests) and development of promo material for the new tourist package.



Kayaking adventure in Plužine and Foča


Posted By : TARA/ 738

Wildlife and bird-watching is a new tourist product intended for tourists attracted by this type of outdoor activity. It represents a sustainable, ecological way of using biodiversity resources, and the creation of this type of activity aims to attract tourists of special interests, which will contribute to increasing the number of tourists in the municipalities of Plužine and Foča, as well as Nature Park Piva and National Park Sutjeska.

In total, 6 platforms for bird-watching and wildlife-watching will be installed in the Nature Park Piva and the National Park Sutjeska. In addition, this activity includes the installation of forest cameras procured within the project, as well as the design of promotional material.



Wildlife and bird-watching in Nature Park Piva and National Park Sutjeska

Leaflet bird watching

Leaflet wildlife watching


Posted By : TARA/ 681

The area of the municipalities of Plužine and Foča has great potential for the development of free climbing as a new tourist attraction. As part of the project, a climbing area will be arranged and climbing routes will be installed on the natural rock in Plužine. In addition, the Climbing Club in Plužine will be established within this activity. The club will be established with the support of the climbing club “Wolf” from Foča, which will be another way to strengthen cross-border cooperation in the project area. In addition, two climbing clubs (one from Foča and the newly founded from Plužine) will contribute to the popularization of this sport among children and youth and will support the sustainability of the rock climbing as a tourist product.


More details:

Welcome to the world of free climbing in Pluzine!

Free climbing in Plužine and Foča – list of climbing routes grades

Leaflet rock climbing