Izlet u Dolinu heroja / A trip to the Valley of Heroes

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All drink included
Sports and recreational facilities
A trip to the Valley of Heroes
Tour guide
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Tour Overview

About Introduction to excursions

Introduction to excursions

The suggestion of the excursion before you is a recommendation for all those who visit the municipality of Foča and want to "actively take a rest" for one day. Regarding the excursion in the area of NP "Sutjeska" we note that you should contact the NP's administration for a visit and stay in NP "Sutjeska", especially when it comes to visiting the Perućica rainforest. In the excursion programs, the schedule is indicated, in order to facilitate your independent trips. The schedule is in line with the time it takes to get to a specific location and the minimum time it takes to stay and take photographs. Of course you decide on the dates of arrival and departure and the time of your stay on the site independently. With the desire to experience the magic of untouched nature, we send you a warm welcome to the "wild romance areas“.
About A trip to the Valley of Heroes

A trip to the Valley of Heroes

In the Valley of the Heroes at Tjentište, 27 km from Foča, there is a memorial complex of the Battle of Sutjeska. The memorial complex includes the Monument of the Battle of Sutjeska, the Ossuary, the Memorial House, the Museum of The Battle of Sutjeska and another 79 features among which are the Grave of Save Kovačević, the Grave of Nurija Pozderac, the place of wounding of Josip Broz Tito at Ozren, the memorial monument to the Second Dalmatian Impact Brigade at Donje Bare, the memorial monument to the Fourth Proleter Montenegrin Impact Brigade on Ljuba’s garve, Memorial of the death of Ivan Goran Kovačić and Dr. Simo Milošević near Vrbnica. At the foot of the complex there is a restaurant of national cuisine "Komlen" as well as two luxurious villas with a capacity of 30 beds, with a jacuzzi and a sauna, from which the tourists are going to visit the mentioned memorials. At Tjentiste there is hotel Mladost, youth camp, and sports and recreation center (swimming pool Jezero, field for football, handball, footsal, volleyball, basketball and tennis). EXCURSION PROGRAM: 9:30 Arrival at Tjentište 10:00 - 11:00 Tour of the Battle of the Battle of Sutjeska, taking photographs 11:00 - 12:00 Departure to Memorial House and Museum, taking photographs 12: O0 - 16:00 Rest and free activities (possibility of swimming at swimming pool Jezero, organizing barbecue in a youth camp and sports activities in the sports and recreation center).

A trip to the Valley of Heroes

Dolina heroja

A trip to the Valley of Heroes

A trip to the Valley of Heroes

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Tour Name Price Per Adult Price Per Child Available Seats Departure Date Duration
Izlet u Dolinu heroja / A trip to the Valley of Heroes ‎€ 0 ‎€ 0 0 Anytime

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Dejan Elez


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+387 65/ 652-575


+387 65/ 652-575

