Pećine / Caves

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As much as you want



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Lunch in restaurant
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Tour Overview

About Caves

Caves - Foča

There are several attractive speleological objects in the municipality of Foča. Particularly distinguished are: Kuk Cave, Velika kutlača, Veliki ponor, Cave in the tunnel, Peruć, Ledenjača.
About Caves


The monument of nature “Ledenjača Cave" according to its created values and material evidence from the Bronze Age, represents the diversity of geodiversity and human culture and is part of the 15 most important speleological objects of the Republic of Srpska. The Ledenjača Cave represents the area of the former residence of prehistoric people. In front of the entrance there are prehistoric drawings that are unique in originality and attractiveness on the territory of the RS, and are believed to be most likely originating from the period of the Bronze Age. They are located on the southern and northern sides of the entrance, and are made in two ways: engraving of cut lines and puncturing groups of small dots. Speleomorphologically, the Ledenjača Cave is simple and consists of the main and several short, secondary channels with a total length of 302 meters.
About Caves


Velika Kutlača is located eleven kilometers from the old road Foča-Miljevina-Sarajevo (village Budanj) and is a true masterpiece of nature. The cave is 415 meters long and is almost completely covered by stalactites, stalagmites and other cave jewelry. It is one of the most beautiful speleological objects on the territory of the municipality of Foča.

Caves Foča


Caves Foča...

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Tour Name Price Per Adult Price Per Child Available Seats Departure Date Duration
Pećine / Caves ‎€ 0 ‎€ 0 1 Anytime As much as you want

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Dejan Elez


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+387 65/ 652-575
