Lov i Ribolov / Hunting and fishing

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Hunting and fishing
Lunch in nature
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About Hunting and fishing

Hunting and fishing

The wider area of Foča is a paradise for hunters and fishermen because the animal world of this area is very diverse. Forests and pastures are habitat for many species of large and small venison, as well as birds, many of which are capitals. Especially popular is the hunt on wild hogs, roebucks, wild goats, wolfs, bears, foxes, rabbits and big heath cock. It is also taken care of protecting of venison, and protecting nature and hunting of the venison. Rivers and lakes are extremely rich in noble fish species: sprout, grayling, trout, clay, barbell. Fishing on these rivers is carried out mainly by artificial baits (artificial flies, scratchers of metal, rubber, wood and similar materials). The special hunting ground of Zelengora extends to about 49 106 ha, while the total area of the commercial hunting ground Vrbnica is 9 564 ha, and the sports and recreational hunting ground Bakić 74 471 ha. Sport and fishing association Mladica runs on 250 km of river flows.

Hunting and fishing

Национални парк Сутјеска, Tjentište

Tel: +058 233-102


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Lov i Ribolov / Hunting and fishing ‎€ 0 ‎€ 0 0 Anytime

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