Sportsko-rekreativni sadržaji / Sports and recreational facilities

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Sports and recreational facilities

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Sports and recreational facilities
All tickeds museum
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Tour Overview

About Sports and recreational facilities

Sports and recreational facilities

Foca offers sports and recreational facilities for its citizens as well as tourists visiting our municipality. Sports and recreational facilities in Foča: 1. Sports hall (basketball, footsal, volleyball, handball and sports climbing, table tennis, tennis) - capacity of stands 722 seats 2. City stadium (athletics, football, footsal, basketball, outdoor and indoor exercise), 3. Tennis courts 4. Aqua park "Ušće" (3 swimming pools suitable for water sports and recreation) 5. Youth Sports Center "Partizan" (table tennis, martial arts) 6. Sports and recreation center in Tjentište (football, footsal, athletics, handball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, sports / recreational swimming pool Jezero)

Sports and recreational facilities

Foča, Босна и Херцеговина

Sports and recreational facilities

Sports and recreational facilities

Book Tour

Tour Name Price Per Adult Price Per Child Available Seats Departure Date Duration
Sportsko-rekreativni sadržaji / Sports and recreational facilities ‎€ 0 ‎€ 0 0 Anytime

Booking Information

Name Price ( Adults/Children ) Persons ( Adults/Children ) Quantity Total


Subtotal ‎€ 0
Total ‎€ 0

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