Rijeke / Rivers

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About rivers


On the territory of the Foča municipality 17 rivers and rivulets, flow. Some of them are tourist valorized ie. suitable for rafting, kayaking and other water sports (Tara and Drina) while some are exclusively suitable for fishing and as excursion spots for many nature lovers during the summer period.
About Tara river

Tara river

The Tara is a river often referred to as the "Tear of Europe", one of the largest reservoirs of drinking water. Water from Tara can be drunk freely throughout the river. Rafting on the Tara is recognized as a brand of this region and every year more and more tourists come to this river. What is interesting about Tara is that its canyon is the deepest in Europe with 1300 m in some parts. Breaking the road to the right bank of the river created opportunities for visiting the canyon with some of the most beautiful viewpoints. In 1977, Tara was incorporated into the Biosphere Reserve Ecological Reserve, and in 1980 its canyon was listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List of Natural Resources.
About Drina river

Drina river

The Drina, as well as Tara, is an exciting and clean river at its inception. It arises on the Sćepan Polje by joining Piva and Tara and runs all the way to the Sava in the length of 354 km. The beauty of the Drina is not only in its water, but also in the surrounding landscapes: deep canyons and shrubs, impassable forests, eagles circling above its gorge, villages scattered on mountain sides.
About Sutjeska river

Sutjeska river

The Sutjeska is a very fast mountain river that springs on the slopes of Volujak at 1500 m.n.v. and it's 37 km long. Sutjeska flows through the central part of NP "Sutjeska" and the park is named after the river. On her short journey, she is joined by numerous rivulets and streams that are falling from the foothills of Maglić, Volujak and Zelengora. The main tributaries of Sutjeska from the west are Jabušnica, Hrčavka and Bukovik, and from the east the Suški potok, Perućica and Ždrijelo. All these waters of the Park are crystal clear and clean, rich in trout and other forms of life characteristic of these ecosystems. Ever since the early Middle Ages, its canyon was crossed by the caravan route Via Bosnia and Via Drina for Central Europe and Constantinople.
About Hrčavka river

Hrčavka river

The Hrčavka flows through the National Park Sutjeska and flows into the the homonymous river. Recently, the canyoning is organized on Hrčavka, since this river flows through its attractive streaming areas ideal for this type of adrenaline sport. To newer history it is also known for the battle of the Second World War.
About Ćehotina river

Ćehotina river

The Ćehotina springs on the slopes of Stožer on 1.380 m in Montenegro and it is 125 km long. It is specific in a special form that creates its canyon, which is in the form of the letter "O". Like in all the rivers of this region so in the Ćehotina, it is possible to hunt: trout, Californian trout, oak, squash, barbell and others. Ćehotina flows through the very center of Foča and flows into the Drina River. Aqua park "Ušće" was built at the confluence of the Ćehotina into the Drina, which is visited by a large number of domestic population and tourists in the season.
About Bistrica river

Bistrica river

The Bistrica is made by Dobropoljka, which springs under Treskavica mountain, and Varoška river, with a spring on the slopes of Jahorina. It is 17 km long, and the depth of the canyon reaches up to 700 m. The largest tributaries of the Bistrica are Govza and Oteša, which originates on the slopes of Zelengora mountain. A very interesting karst phenomenon in the Bistrica gorge is a short tunnel cave - an expanse at the beginning of the Sieračke stijene. Bistrica into the gorge enters through Samar, one of the most beautiful prehistoric expanses in our country. The Bistrica flows into the Drina, three kilometers upstream of Brod.

Rivers of Foča

Орловачко језеро

Rivers of Foča municipality.

Rivers of Foča municipality

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Dejan Elez


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